Forthcoming Events
BAFSA Seminar - Protecting new homes, 21st century communities and the elderly from fire
03 May 2017
Parkside Place Community Fire Station

1015 : Registration
1045 : Welcome remarks : Maurice Moore Area Commander, Cambridgeshire FRS & Keith MacGillivray MBE, Chief Executive, BAFSA
1055 : Protecting families, communities and businesses in modern developments and new communities - Stewart Kidd, BAFSA
1130 : Protection of the elderly & vulnerable in care - Steve Seaber, BAFSA
1205 : The results of Pilot Studies on installing sprinklers in various styles and sizes of new homes - Ritchie O'Connell, BAFSA
1240 : Q&A with the morning's speakers
1250 : Lunch
1350 : Case Study : Installing sprinklers to protect a new development from fire - Shaun Bennett, Derby Homes
1425 : Effectiveness and reliability of sprinklers - Steve Seaber, BAFSA
1500 : Q&A withthe afternoon's speakers
1515 : Closing remarks & disperse